Why We Partnered with Scholarship Owl

The vast majority of the tools and data available on our site is free for our users. However, we have carefully chosen select partners that reflect our values and that we believe would prove useful and valuable to our users. When our users support our partners it allows us to keep offering our tools for free.

Most students know that scholarships can be an important part of the puzzle when it comes to paying for college. But searching out and applying for scholarships can be time-consuming and redundant as many applications ask for the same information over and over again. 

There are more than 3.5 million scholarships offered to undergraduate and graduate students, and students often remain eligible for scholarships every year they attend school. However, students often don't keep track of the scholarships they are eligible for, and take the time to reapply by the deadline.

These are the problems that ScholarshipOwl solves by harnessing the power of data to revolutionize the way that students find and apply for scholarships. Think of them as the “common app” of scholarships. 

ScholarshipOwl allows students to complete one simple form and apply for hundreds of scholarships at once. We believe it’s a perfect match to our website as it simplifies the scholarship search, and helps students get the funds they need to attend their chosen college. 

93% of users say they would refer ScholarshipOwl to a friend!

We encourage all of our users to make use of their quick and free sign up to immediately begin applying to and learning about scholarships that are appropriate to them.

Supporting our partners is how you can support what we do, and for that we thank you.