Editor's Note: On March 6, 2017 President Trump issued a new executive order removing the travel ban for Iraq. The revised ban allows travel for legal permanent residents of the U.S. including those who have valid visas such as student or exchange visas. The following numbers reflect the original executive order.
On January 27, President Donald J. Trump issued an executive order that affects thousands of international students currently studying at U.S. colleges and universities.
The order banned citizens of seven countries from entering the U.S. for 90 days. During the 90-day travel ban, the Department of Homeland Security is meant to improve the vetting process for immigrants from those countries. The countries affected include Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.
The number of international students in the U.S. has grown tremendously in the past few years, and thousands of students will be affected by this travel ban.
The travel ban prevents students who are citizens of the seven countries mentioned from traveling to and from their country of origin and the United States. Some students have already been detained from re-entering America.
There may be exceptions made on a case-by-case basis, but for now, these students face extreme uncertainty as to their future. This ban will also no doubt affect the number of new international students who decide to choose the U.S. to pursue their education.
the numbers
Based on 2015 data, there are 23,763 students studying in the U.S.A. who are affected by this travel ban, the majority of whom are from Iran.
International students from these countries have grown steadily over the past five years.
Of the 23,763 students affected by the travel ban, 15,773 of them are attending higher education institutions offering bachelor degrees or higher. The colleges most likely to be affected include Texas A&M, University of Southern California, and Northeastern University, among others.
$700 million on the line...
International students often pay full tuition prices at the colleges in which they are enrolled. We estimate the economic benefit of having those students in the U.S. could be as much as $701,802,834 for all students.
We calculate this by assuming these international students are paying full undergraduate tuition and fees, room and board, books and other typical charges at the 596 different colleges they attend. The calculation is for one year of costs.
The table below shows the colleges that will be most affected.
The U.S. states who currently see the most financial gains from international students from the seven banned countries are California, Massachusetts, and Texas. These states could also stand to see the biggest loss if the ban were to be made permanent.
The majority of these students are at public universities and supply quite a bit of revenue to the institutions they attend.
Data comes from the Department of Homeland Security and is based on the number of F1 and M1 Student Visas granted in the past five years.
Cost estimates come from the Department of Education.
Note we will continue to add data to this story as we are able to collect and analyze it.
Full Text of Trumps Executive Order: http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/28/politics/text-of-trump-executive-order-nation-ban-refugees/index.html
US-bound migrants blocked from flying to JFK airport https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jan/28/rights-groups-flooded-with-calls-as-people-fear-re-entry-to-us-will-be-denied
Clemson grad denied re-entry to the U.S. http://www.thetigernews.com/news/recent-clemson-grad-denied-entry-into-the-u-s-clemson/article_9f4fc0d2-e69a-11e6-9c1b-8b3dadf48161.html
Trump blocks student’s return to MIT https://thetech.com/2017/01/29/immigration-order-blocks-students-from-mit