
Dr. James Hendler

Dr. James Hendler

James Hendler is the Tetherless World Professor of Computer and Cognitive Science and the Head of the Computer Science Department at RPI. He is also a faculty affiliate of the Experimental Multimedia Performing Arts Center (EMPAC), serves as a Trustee of the UK’s charitable Web Science Trust and is a visiting Professor at DeMontfort University in Leicester, UK.

Dr. Ian Fellows

Dr. Ian Fellows

Ian Fellows is the President of Fellow Statistics. Ian is a leading statistician and programmer based out of Los Angeles, California. His active research interests encompass many areas of statistical theory, including the analysis of longitudinal data, small sample sizes and social network analysis. Ian’s accomplishments in statistical visualization won the prestigious John Chambers Award in 2011.

John D. Pomeroy

John D. Pomeroy

John serves as the Chief International Admissions Officer and Senior Assistant Director of the University at Albany State, University of New York.  John manages the development and implementation of all international admissions activities. He travels extensively throughout Asia, Europe, South America and Middle East, Overseeing the admission decisions of all international freshman and transfers applicants and evaluate all international transfer credits and course equivalents for students.

Brian Murrow

Brian Murrow

Brian Murrows is an Associate Partner with IBM for Business Analytics and Optimization. Brian has over 20 years of experience as a business analytics, strategy, technology consultant, business leader, and author. The common thread through all of his work is the use of advanced analytics to arrive at real-world business decisions.