How we Come Up With our Diversity Rankings

College Factual's diversity rankings take into account four factors: the ethnic makeup of the student body, the geographic representation among students, and the gender makeup of the student body and the ages of the students.

The schools with the most diversity when it comes to student ethnicity, geographic location (including international students), and gender come to the top of this ranking.

Data Source

Our primary source of diversity information is enrollment data from the
IPEDS "EFA" dataset. This is data reported by colleges to the Department
of Education.

At a high level, this data is described by the Department of Education as:

"students enrolled in the fall, by race/ethnicity, gender, attendance
status and level of student."

How Our Diversity Rankings Differ From the Norm

Some people consider high diversity in a college to be synonymous with a high presence of minorities on campus. However, our diversity rankings is simply based of the measurement of how many students of various ethnic backgrounds are represented, as well as different locations and gender.  

This can produce some counter-intuitive results. As an example, we rate Alabama A & M University poorly for ethnic diversity despite their excellent history of serving minorities.